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A parent´s guide to healthy shopping 


From the moment their child starts with solid foods, parents start looking for the best options available to ensure they have a healthy diet. It is sometimes a challenge for parents to find adequate products in the supermarket (e.g. because the nutrition information in food labels is not easy to understand). Kennis-Smaken will show you how to correctly read the labels of the products. You will be able to identify if a product contains more salt, fat or sugar than recommended. Do not worry if you do not know any Dutch words! We will explain to you the meaning of the key food and nutrition words found in labels. Finally, we will discuss a little the new Nutriscore which will be soon implemented in Dutch products. 


We are open to some input from your part. If there is a particular product that you would like to be discussed in class, send us the name of the product! Are you curious about a product but it is not available in the Netherlands? We can also discuss it in class. Just send us the info (for these cases we need the label of the product to have a translation either in English, Dutch or Spanish) and to know the country of origin. Are you ready? See you in the masterclass!


(Note: The focus of this class is on everyday foods that become a part of a child´s meal. Baby formula is not part of this course.)


Digital masterclass 



April 13th, 2022 at 20:30 pm


Price: € 38 (BTW included)

Duration: 40 minutes


On-site masterclass 



TBA (2022)



On-site : Utrecht


Price: 42 (BTW included)

Duration: 40 minutes


Private masterclass (digital)



Date and time to be discussed with trainer.


To request a private class, please send an email to


Price: €58 (BTW included)

Duration: 40 minutes

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