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Our nutrition


We offer 3 different masterclasses on infant and toddler nutrition. You can follow each class separately or follow all 3 at a reduced price. Classes are in English (option of classes in Dutch or Spanish upon request) and can be on-site or digital. You choose the option that fits you best.


We give our classes in small groups in order to ensure that you get the best quality. We can also focus more that way on your particular needs and questions. Each course is hence tailor-made for each group. We always leave enough time in the class so you can ask all your questions. 


If you are not interested in learning with a group, you can choose the option of following the classes as a private class. In this option it is just you and the trainer. You can learn at your own pace and take as many breaks as you need during the class. If you are interested in a private class, send an email to

Introducing solid foods: How and when to start

Is your little one ready to start with solid foods?

How do you transition?

What are the guidelines, why do some differ and what is the science behind them?

What are the pros and cons of the different approaches to introduce solids?


If you want to know about these and related topics, this masterclass is for you!



50 minutes



Digital masterclass: €38 (BTW included)

On-site class :€42 (BTW included)**

Private class (digital): €58 (BTW included)


Feeding the Toddler

* For these prices, a 0% btw applies.

**Prices for on-site classes include coffee, tea, water and some nibbles 

Nutritional needs, appropiate foods and eating behaviour

How many meals does my child need?

Which foods are adequate for the first year of life and which ones should be avoided? 

How do I know if my child is full?

Is there a difference if my child is breastfed or formula fed?

How to deal with the beginnings of picky eating?


If these topics interest you then this is the course for you!



50 minutes



Digital masterclass: €38

On-site class :€42**

Private class (digital): €58

Happy Girl with Dad

*For these prices, a 0% btw applies.

**Prices for on-site classes include coffee, tea, water and some nibbles 

A parent´s guide to healthy shopping

How can I correctly read the nutrition information on the food label?

How can I identify foods high in sugar, fat and salt?

Which are important words related to food an nutrition on a label?

What is the new nutritional label Nutriscore?


If these topics interest you then this is the course for you!



40 minutes



Digital masterclass: €38 

On-site class :€42**

Private class (digital): €58

Parent and Child at the Supermarket

*For these prices, a 0% btw applies.

**Prices for on-site classes include coffee, tea, water and some nibbles 

Making nutrition child´s play package

Are you interested in all 3 courses? Then this package is for you! You will follow all 3 courses at a reduced price.

You will also have preference in case there is a waiting list. 



3 separate days, 2 classes of 50 minutes and one class of 40 minutes.



Digital classes: €99 for the 3 classes together 

On-site masterclass: €115 for the 3 classes together **

Private class (digital): €150 for the 3 classes together


Image by Shitota Yuri

*For these prices, a 0% btw applies.

**Prices for on-site classes include coffee, tea, water and some nibbles 


Is there a particular topic you would like to have a masterclass about? Let us know! Send an email to or fill out a contact form.

We work constantly on developing new masterclasses for you!

Would you like to follow these masterclasses in Dutch or Spanish? With enough people interested, we can set it up for you! Just let us know you are interested!

Request a masterclass in Dutch or Spanish

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