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Healthy recipes for children: Egg muffins

Keeping food interesting and healthy for our little ones can sometimes be a challenge. I personally always enjoy doing some recipe hunting for inspiration. Whenever I do this, I always find recipes that are sold to the reader as "healthy", "suitable for young children" and so on when in fact they are not (looking at you recipes filled with yellow cheese!). I have also, however, found some "gems": recipes that are amazing for children or recipes that with some little tweaks can be adapted for them. I want to share these recipes with you as well as the sources where I found them.

Whenever I post a recipe, please know that:

  1. I have succesfully made this recipe more than once .

  2. I have checked the ingredients and method of cooking and found it a suitable healthy meal/snack for children.

  3. My toddler son has tasted and eaten it (and liked it!).

  4. I could find all the ingredients in the Netherlands.

Some recipes may be part of a webpage that contains several recipes for children. I only vouch for the recipe that I post here (if there were tweaks, I just vouch for the version with the tweaks). The other recipes on that webpage may not fullfil the criteria (or maybe I have not tested them yet). Likewise, posting the recipe does NOT mean I agree or vouch for whatever explanation is written on that webpage (e.g. this recipe is sooo good because it contains X which is good for Y!"). It is only about the recipe, any information given there about food benefits or similar topics might be flawed (you can read my blog post about recognising reliable sources to help you determine if what is written there is trustworthy information).

So let´s start with the first recipe: egg muffins! (not the McDonalds´type).

Egg muffins

Ideal for: breakfast/lunch/snack

Did it need tweaks?: Yes (original recipe calls for bacon and cheese. It does mention the possibility of making some variations to the recipe by adding different ingredients. I did this and made an all-veggie muffin with parsley added in the mixture intead of as a topping)

Servings: 8 egg muffins (original recipe says 6, I get 8)

Level of difficulty: Easy

Total preparation time: 20-30 minutes


  • 6 eggs

  • 1/2 red bell pepper, diced

  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper, diced

  • 1/2 green bell pepper, diced

  • Finely chopped fresh parsley (around 6 teaspoons, but it is more to your taste)

  • Oil/cooking spray

  • Additional but not really necessary: pinch of salt and pepper


  1. Preheat the oven at 190°C.

  2. Brush 8 cups of a muffin tin with a little bit of oil (or use the cooking spray). Another option is to line them with baking paper.

  3. Whisk the six eggs in a bowl (no blender necessary as suggested in the original recipe).

  4. Add the bell pepper and fresh parsley to the mixture (and the salt and pepper if you want) and combine.

  5. Fill each cup with the mixture.

  6. Put in the oven for 15-18 minutes until the eggs set (with my oven I always need 18 minutes).

  7. Serve your muffins (I let the muffins cool down a little before giving them to my son).

Note: The original recipe suggests topping with tomatoes/parsley. I skipped this as I did not find it handy for toddlers.

Changes that can be done to the recipe:

  • You can change the veggies you use. I have also made options with brocolli and bell peppers, tomato and parsley, etc .

  • You can add the whisked eggs first to the cups and then add the veggies (or viceversa)

  • You can change the amount of veggies/parsley that you add (for my son, it is always the more veggies the better).





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